Compassionate Campus

By Tabatha Sherborne
How can we make our campuses kinder and more supportive?
By compassion we mean understanding and helping others,
especially those in need.
Making universities more supportive, caring and inclusive is one way to nurture students and help them to thrive.

We want to find out whether students experience universities as caring and supportive.

We hope to find ways to help students feel connected and like
they 'belong'.

We can then learn from good practice and identify where change is needed.

The Compassionate Campus project is happening in Exeter and King's College London.
We are collecting student stories and experiences, and feeding them back into the university systems with the aim of enacting real change. We have conducted focus groups, sociality workshops, and anthropological studies.
Below are short films created with students and leadership, by our visual researcher Dr Polly Card.
Compassionate Leadership
By Polly Card
Living with Chronic Illness as a Student
Student Story: Lauren Asare
By Polly Card
Commuting and Connections
Student Story: Eleanor Zalick
By Polly Card
Exeter Community Garden and Compassion
By Polly Card
Wellbeing and Medical Students
Student Story: Libby Terrieux-Taylor
By Polly Card