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Come and meet us!

We're now in the last two years of our project, so we are getting out there and spreading the word about Nurture-U! Here's all the info about our upcoming and previous conferences.

Empty Street

Mental Health in Emerging Adulthood

Early Career Researcher conference

University of Oxford, 23rd September 2024

This is our FREE conference for ECRs and young people, organised by the postdoc researchers in Nurture-U.  Click here to register and find out more!

The Nurture-U Conference

Nurture-U stakeholder conference

University of Exeter, 3rd December 2024

Another FREE conference, for all who have supported Nurture-U! A whole day of Nurture-U findings and discussion about how to improve the mental health of university students. Find out more and register here.


Previous Conferences



Student Mental Health conference

Kings College London, 10-12th June 2024

Lots of the Nurture-U team presented at this AMAZING conference organised by Nicola Byrom and the KCL SMaRteN team. Lots of positive and constructive discussions about improving student mental health. You can see our practice presentations here, a short vlog here, and find out more about SMaRteN here.

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