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Student Advisory Group - first meeting 09/12/21

Writer's picture: Nurture-UNurture-U

Project overview

JD gave overview of the project. No questions arose.

Slides available here:

Terms of reference

No additions or edits to the Terms of Reference.

Name and branding for the project

Figure 1 shows the list of names that were put forward by the group.

Figure 1: Name suggestions




Wellness Hub


Kind to Thrive




Wellbeing is the new black

US-together (University Students Together)

Evergreen Minds


There for US


Vitals (or Vital)



Mind and Voice









Compassion on Campus / Compassionate Campus

Kind to Thrive

Strong Cogs




Happy Minds


CompassionateConnection (CoCo)

Compass (like compassionate campus together)

Better Together

Everyday Friday

Support 4 all


Happy Minds

Thrive and Kindness

Support for all

Thriving not surviving

Kind Mind

Kind Campus

Thrive with US


Strong Cogs

Kind to Your Mind

Kind Community

Ways to Wellbeing





Kind to Your Mind

Caring Campus

Empathy in Education

Campus Cares

Thrive in Kindness

Popular themes: kindness and compassion, togetherness, the weather, trees and nature, thriving.


CoCam or CoCa – shortening of Compassion on Campus or Campassionate Campus

· Would work well as a logo

· Compassionate to long as a title? Bit of a mouthful? But as a shortening works well

· Co works well because it implies togetherness

· But is “cam” a bit like being under surveillance?

KindCampus (KindCam)

· Easy to remember and snappy

· Kindness is familiar from anti-bullying campaigns

· Kind Mind emphasises being kind to yourself as well as others

· Could go nicely to a logo (KC)

· BUT is kindness seen as too feminine? Would Strong-Cog or something based around Thrive work better for both men and women? (But is ‘strong’ too associated with toxic masculinity?)


· Weather is nice as a metaphor because encompasses the ups and downs people may have in their wellbeing

· Links with nature and would make a good logo.

Something about Togetherness

· e.g. Together-US, but already an organisation working with refugees)

Kind Mind / Kind to your Mind

· But is already an app

General Comments:

· Use of “Voice” reminds of a choir

· Good to have a short name as a logo

· Brand name doesn’t have to be self-explanatory straight away. It could be a shortening of a longer name that you learn to use and becomes synonymous with the brand – it becomes identifiable with use.

· The logo will be really important because that’s what you’ll end up associating with the study (e.g. tesco)

Thoughts for logo:

· Tree: would link with Exeter’s wellbeing service which is also a tree,

· The U-Flourish logo is also a tree (this is Oxford University’s survey, which we are basing the project survey on)

· Seeds germinating swirling round the earth

· For ‘compassion’ or ‘campus’ have the Cs as arms reaching round – idea that arms are bringing everyone together

Digital Tool (i-Spero): introduction and discussion

Jonathan Kingslake presented on i-Spero digital tool. Jonathan created the tool to help communication about mental health in primary care. It has been tested in Queens University, Canada both as a way for students to self-monitor their wellbeing and to help students communicate with wellbeing services.

· It can be used on any web browser, on a computer, telephone.

· It is very configurable – so it can be changed for each user.

We want to get your input on what kind of things you would like to monitor about yourself.

We can then tailor the tool, use language students feel comfortable with, can chose measures that can help students monitor things that are important to them.

We also want your help with care plans. The tool can be used to set up care plans which can be shared with family, friends, or wellbeing services as a record of what your objectives are in terms of wellbeing.

Tracking means that you can be signposted to services if your symptoms are deteriorating or not improving.

Jonathan shared his screen and showed how the tool works.

· Tool starts with ‘initial assessment’, a set of standard measures giving an initial assessment of your mental health and wellbeing.

o Examples of measures: mood questionnaire and anxiety questionnaire. If score above a certain level then can be signposted. e.g. ‘it looks like you’re having trouble sleeping, hear are some apps or suggestions’

· Then you can monitor your wellbeing, which can be set up for daily, weekly, monthly tracking

· Provides reminders of wellbeing plans

· Can track your scores, so have a graph that represents and visualises information over time.

· Can add notes about what might have influenced your wellbeing scores.

All the measures are configurable (can be changed) so we need to decide as a group on what measures are mandatory, what are optional, so what are useful to you.

We can also decide as a group on what we signpost to, so what services or self-help we suggest.

Part of the project is also using this tool in Behavioural Activation for those with low mood. This part of the project is called i-activate.

You can personalise it to suit your own needs, so if we have a list of things that people might want to monitor then individuals can choose their own.

Jonathan asked how many people would use this tool, all members thought they would.

· Work levels and work stress (most popular suggestion – lots of comments where people say they struggled with this)

· Sleep

· Diet

· Energy levels

· Caffeine

· For those taking medication – tracking that you’ve taken it

· A reminder of things I’m grateful for

· Exercise, sport or movement

· Ways to monitor happiness and resilience (even in stressful situations)

· Levels of engagement in activities (e.g. socialising) beyond

· Socialising

· Useful for neurodivergence would be: things we can control, things we can’t control

· How you feel physically

· Routine – e.g. with a to-do list of what you do each day. When you’re feeling low it is an achievement to brush your teeth so it would give a sense of accomplishment to record this. (Jonathan pointed out this could be monitored as part of a care plan, and also might fit in with the Behavioural Activation part of the study)

Jonathan raised whether students would want to monitor alcohol

· This isn’t seen as a priority for the group

· It is suggested that lots of students think they don’t drink as much as their friends, so there could be a way of comparing it to an average so you can see if there’s a problem?

· Not all students drink, but this could be taken out for those who don’t drink.

· This could be harmful for people who are trying to stop, like in eating disorders where monitoring food can be harmful for recovery.

Group Questions and Answers

When you explain the tool, you say “we can signpost you..” who is this we?

· Your data will be your data unless you decide to share it with someone else. We abide by GDPR regulations.

· But in this project, we are doing this for research – so you will need to give consent to share your data with the research team. This will allow us to assess how well the tool is working. But this data will be anonymous (no name, will just be an ID number).

Why are there happy and sad faces in the graphs? And why is the sad face highest on the Y-axis?

· This was designed by patients who were receiving health care in primary care. We used usability testing. But if you as a group want to change this we can.

Do you need to already have seen a GP for your mental health to use this?

· You can do both – so if you want to monitor your wellbeing on your own you can. But if you are working with wellbeing services or a GP then you can share this with them. This gives them limited time access (4 hours) to your records.

How do the reminders work?

· Email and text currently. But looking at how to integrate appointments into calendar.

Will this be free to access?

· Yes as part of the research project. But after the research would need universities to pay for it for students. But we hope that this research will make this tool something that students will want to use and can help students get well.

How easy it is to access? Because if you’re feeling low you might not feel motivated to do anything, and any barrier would stop you.

· All reminders have a link, you do need to log in but if you save your details it’s only two clicks and you’re into the questionnaires.

Can you choose some things to monitor daily and some weekly for example?

· Yes, but Jonathan has found that daily measures need to be very quick and short for people to actually do them, e.g. “how are you feeling today?” This is particularly useful for people who are just starting a treatment or just had a change.

If someone has high score on low mood or anxiety, it might make you feel worse to see it on the tool. Is there a way to help with that, which is beyond just signposting to see GP?

· The signposting is the main thing that the tool does. But we need your help to (1) find immediate links to things that work that are useful to students, and (2) think about the wording of the alerts that would be good if you are experiencing low mood or anxiety.

· We need to think about how to make the wording less clinical and more motivational and informative.

· We want this to be supporting and guiding rather than alarming – need input from you and the whole team to do this.

GPs can’t actually do much to help people. Surely we need to find things that will definitely help? / Is there potential to signpost to things that are different (e.g. acupuncture, yoga)?

· Part of what we want to do with you (and part of the research project) is decide what would be useful to signpost to.

· Can you export data from another app? E.g. where you’re tracking steps or sleep?

· We have considered that but currently it’s not available.

Could it be linked with your timetable, this would help with monitoring work stress?

· The calendar linking might help with this, but i-spero itself isn’t designed as a calendar. But you could make ‘going to lectures’ as a care plan, which would help motivate you to go.

How do you share it with people?

· You can do this through pressing ‘share’, which allows you to put someone’s email address in. This will send them an email link and a code so they can see everything that you can see. Or you could share them a screenshot.

Recommendations for signposting for students

· Disability Support Allowance

· MindShift CBT-Panic and Anxiety app

Recommendations for promoting it to students

· Create a video to put in lectures (especially at the start where people are just sat looking at their phones)

· Set up a social media account

Plans going forward

Terms of Reference

· Please be in touch if any thoughts have occurred to you about this since we met.

Brand name and logo

· Jemima will send members a link to vote on the name

· Jemima will share the options and your favourites with the research team

· We will be in touch to let you know what is decided and ask for volunteers to design a logo.

Digital tool

· Jemima and Jonathan will put together a schedule for some clear working sessions on the details of the working tool: where students can help us design and edit the tool to make it student friendly. These will start in January 2022 (after exams!) and we will be in touch to organise.

· We will then have a pilot: at this stage members can help us test the tool.



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